We had a stretch of beautiful weather...so we took advantage of it! Trek got familiar with dirt and our dog Roosevelt! We took many walks so mom could get some much needed exercise!!
Oh, a small milestone, but we lowered Trek's crib down to the bottom level. I know we should have done this a long time ago, but time just flies by! On morning we woke up to hear a crash coming from Trek's room. I ran in and there he was with blood running down his face. I went into 'medical mode' and quickly whisked him in to the bathroom to get something to apply pressure with. At this point I had no idea where exactly he was bleeding from, there was blood in his eye. I was expecting the worst...luckily he just banged his right eyebrow on the side of the crib! Sometimes he tries to stand up in his crib while still asleep...this would be hard to do when fully awake! Anyway, the wound healed great, and having the crib mattress all the way down makes it so he can't fall on the side rails that easy!!! I am sure this is just the beginning of the drama and truama we are going to witness in the next few years!!!