Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy 13th month little E!

Today little E is 13 months old! It is actually hard to believe that just over a month ago we met her face to face. It has been a busy month...just normal life stuff though! Another reason I think this time has flown by is because so much has happened since we left Ethiopia. E's birthmother was found and appeared for her court interview, we are officially legal guardians of E, her Ethiopian birth certificate and passport have been issued...and as of Tuesday all of the documents regarding her adoption have been submitted to the US Embassy. Now we wait again. As soon as the US Embassy does their investigation and issues her visa, we can travel to pick her up. We really don't know how long this wait will with each stage of international adoption...but one thing is for sure...she is worth the wait!!!

Happy day sweet girl!


  1. Oh yay!! I'm so excited for you! Curious about her name... guess I can wait. :-) Glad you update this as I don't do much facebook....

  2. Rhonda and Andrew,

    It was fun getting to meet your precious little daughter through the pictures on your phone yesterday!!! Can't wait to meet her in person. I was sorry not to get to talk to Trek as he was sleeping.

    Love, JoAnn
